Reflexology is a powerful healing practice based on the concept that every part of the body is connected by energy pathways, which end in reflex areas of the feet, the hands, the nose, the tongue and the head. Each area corresponds to an organ and to its function. By applying controlled pressure, the body is stimulated to balance itself, and to return to its natural state of wellness.
The physical, mental and emotional benefits of Reflexology make it particularly helpful for all stress-related conditions, even when there is no clinical evidence of a disease. By inducing a state of relaxation, tension is eased, circulation is improved and toxins are released and eliminated from the body.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each organ and each bowel corresponds to an emotion. The organs are the storage of the emotions and they support one another working in synergy.
Where there is an alteration in the physical body, there is an unresolved emotional problem.
Working on the areas that represent various organs, the therapist works on their corresponding emotions by bringing it back to balance.
There are no side effects to Reflexology, in fact in some cases it is recommended by allopathic medicine as a support for chemotherapy. During the last decade, Reflexology is being considered a great support and a valid complement to allopathic treatments in many hospitals.
Moreover, with Reflexology, it is possible to identify in advance a disease or a lack of energy!
“I consider myself blessed to have studied Emotional Reflexology in Rome, Italy, in 1995 and 1996, with the great Mariella Poceck from the school of Doreen E. Bayly in London.”