Sandra, Canadian born, lived all her life in Rome, Italy and has now moved back to Canada.
At a very young age she was fascinated by the mystery of nature and of the human soul.
During the late 80's Sandra approached the Yoga and Transcendental Meditation. But it was only few years later and after an enlightening encounter with the Teacher Mario Verri of the Purna Yoga School in Rome, Italy and after a retreat with Dr. M.L. Garothe of the Lonalva Yoga Institute of Mumbay, India, that she started to practice actively the Hatha Yoga in all its expressions as taught by Patanjali and the Vedic School.
During that time she realized then that her path of growth should also include the knowledge of the holistic and natural medicine to help others alleviate and ease from pain, physical, mental and emotional stress.
In 1993, Sandra began researching and mastering the SHIATSU Practitioner Palombini-Namikoshi method, for which she studied for 2 full years at the "Scuola Italiana Shiatsu" (Italian School of Shiatsu in Rome), recognized by "The Nippon Shiatsu School of Tokyo". She studied with Rudy Palombini, the founder of the 1st Shiatsu School in Italy, and she had the honor of meeting and getting to know personally Tokujiro Namikoshi and his son during their trip to Rome for the International Shiatsu Meeting.
Sandra attained Reiki 1st level of healing in 1995.
She was also taught by Mariella Pocek, from the school of Doreen E. Bayly in London, and at the end of her studies she became a certified Emotional Reflexologist Practitioner in 1996. In 1998, she became a Lymphatic Drainage Massage Practitioner.
Moreover, Sandra studied the Alice Bailey’s “The Seven Rays of Energy”, focusing on the Psychological causes of the illnesses and on the Radiant Healing described in the Bailey's IV book. She attended a few Radiant Healing conferences and workshops.
Her mottoes are:
Follow the three R's: Respect for yourself. Respect for others. Responsibility for all your actions.
(Dalai Lama)Behave with others as you'd like others to behave with you.
Sandra likes all forms of art: music, painting, design. She loves talking with people, reading and watching movies.
She is very curious about new ways of thinking and discovering other people's perspectives.
She enjoys traveling, meeting new people and learning of new cultures.