I love to teach a Gentle Hatha Yoga using core integration and therapeutic Asana alignments, combining my experience as Shiatsu practitioner.
“Health is wealth, peace of mind is happiness. Yoga shows the way.”
Swami Visnudevananda
I started practicing Yoga more than 25 years ago. It was love at first sight. I immediately understood that yoga would be part of my life and that it would accompany me on my journey of inner growth, a path that has no end!
The psycho-physical well-being I felt during and after the lessons induced me to practice, study and apply to my daily life the teachings of this wonderful and ancient discipline that suggests us, invites us and offers us the tools to live a healthy life in the body , mind and spirit so that it is possible to awaken our individual conscience and make ourselves masters of ourselves, in total integrity.
It is important to be available for comparison with our physical, mental and spiritual essence. Accept the change that will take place in us.
Sometimes it can be a difficult journey. The changes, the news, the transformations could disorient us, and this is why we need a guide, a Master in whom we can recognize ourselves and to whom we can entrust ourselves so that the road taken is smooth, constructive, healthy and light at the same time.
I strongly believe in Yoga and as a yoga teacher, I would like Yoga to be disseminated as much as possible, because I believe, that if Yoga is practiced by all the people in the world, in its entirety and integrity as taught by Patanjali we would certainly live in a more peaceful and harmonious world.
Everybody knows that Yoga helps keep our body active, mobile, healthy, practicing the Asana but it is not clear that more than that, Yoga is a discipline that helps us achieve psychological well-being by applying to our daily life the "instructions" that Patanjali exposes in his Yoga Sutra little book.
I love to teach a Gentle-Moderate Hatha Yoga based on:
- Finding the safe, correct and therapeutic Asana alignments
- Practicing the Pranayama
- Focusing and concentrating on the awareness of each Breath, Thought, and Action
- Reflecting and discussing on the Yoga ethical and moral code: the Yama and the Nyama
- Finding and delighting Meditation
- Working with the Krya, the Yantra, the Mudra and chanting the beautiful Mantra
Sometimes I like to “create –set up – make” playful lessons, during which the Asana are practiced in pairs or groups, creating configurations, movements and dances to help us release emotions and feelings to strengthen the psycho-physic equilibrium.
I will be always grateful to the Great Masters of all time who have divulged this wonderful discipline over the millennia. I am thankful to my first Master who guided me in my first steps of this infinite journey and who still guides me and encouraged me to teach Yoga. I thank all the Masters and Teachers that I have met over the years of practice and who have made my life richer and more aware.